work with me

let’s talk vision & strategy

Can you use a guided deep-dive into your vision and strategy? An upgrade, re-set or simply a fresh view and guidance in further anchoring into who you are, what you offer, what you stand for and where you’re going?

I offer several 1:1 sessions to work on and with your vision & strategy - scroll down for the options and overview

You bring…

  • All of you

  • Your biggest challenge (whether personal or business related)

  • Your dream, vision, creative ideas

  • A key question to work with

I bring…

  • A place to be yourself, without judgement and a space to reflect and share all that is on your heart and mind

  • My yang: Big-4 international consulting experience, and a background in business strategy, change management, strategy and finance & control

  • My yin: passion for connecting (with) people, creating spaces where you can strengthen your foundation, ground into yourself, get motivated to take next steps, and EXPAND, while feeling supported to face your challenges AND excited to share your gifts and talents

  • A way to let you realize, see and feel what is already there right now: knowledge, creativity and strength, believe me… it’s more than you might think

So, please

Don’t expect me to be the usual vision and strategy professional. I combine my study and corporate background with own tools, experiences and ideas.

Yet, please

Do reach out in case you feel you’re ready to:

  • DARE to step outside of your comfort zone

  • FEEL strongly that you believe in your vision and next step(s)

  • COMMIT to make space for this deep-dive


1:1 (business) sparring

  • short focus questionnaire

  • 60-min call aimed at making sure you can move forward

    The focus can be anything from practical tools, certain decisions, or doubts, beliefs or fears that are blocking you in your business journey.

€89,- ex. VAT


1:1 vision & strategy session

  • reflection questionnaire

  • 2-hour deep-dive, to get crystal clear on your vision and to map a suiting strategic plan to work with

  • 30-min integration call, 2 weeks after the session

€222,- ex. VAT


a 3-months vision & strategy journey

  • 1x 60-min introduction call where we discuss your challenge(s) and needs

  • customized plan of approach

  • 2-hour kick-off

  • 2x per month a 45-min sparring call (month 2 and 3)

€869,- ex. VAT
Or 3 terms of €299,- ex. VAT

What other people say

  • Yvonne

    The HEART-LED VOYAGE in 3 words: focus, connection, motivation

    ”I felt in very good hands with Grace and with lots of love and trust. I feel more focused and motivated as before the voyage.”

  • Eva

    The HEART-LED VOYAGE in 3 words: inspiration, connection, recognition

    ”With everything Grace organizes, she manages to make you feel immediately safe and at ease. Everything is allowed to be there. She naturally creates a positive atmosphere in which participants support and inspire each other, even outside the sessions and events. As a result, she has created a super valuable network, which would not have existed without her.”

  • Amanda

    The HEART-LED VOYAGE in 3 words: Sharing, Rooting, Motivation

    ”I loved seeing the same faces every week and being able to share everything with each other. Everything that went well, but especially our struggles. It is super helpful to feel that we are not alone with our thoughts and feelings. Very nice to be heard and to share tips and tricks with each other.

    It's also great to think about what, why, how and how to proceed in a more spiritual way. Instead of immediately going into Business Plan mode.”

  • Jolijn


    ”Realizing how much you can get done in a week. How everyone, without sometimes even knowing what others do exactly, struggles with same issues or going through some similar processes. You are each others cheerleader and Grace just knew to ask the right questions for some deeper insights.

    I feel awesome! Excited! Much more to come! And loved the check-ins. So looking forward to start again after summer.”

  • Sarah

    “Grace was able to help me tune in to my deepest vision for myself and business. Starting with a guided meditation, my vision crsytalized and Grace framed all of our discussion and ideas around. This provided me with a lense and filter, allowing me to focus in on what's most important for me and my business now. Thank you Grace, you wear your name so perfectly!”

  • Katha

    “Grace holds a space where you feel heard, seen and appreciated. She truly manages to guide with a heart full of love. Her meditations are magical and always bring me to a place that brings out some unseen topics. As a coach she also has the ability to work with the right tools in order to deal with any topics that come up and helps you to see a different perspective. Thank you Grace, it always is such a warm and enjoyable journey with you.”

  • Theresa

    “Working with Grace on strategy and vision in our recent business session has helped me slow down and connect to my inner voice. She helped me differentiate between what is nice to have and what I need - to remember my WHY and set the right intentions. We mapped out a list of small steps I can take right now. Grace is a great, calm coach who will lovingly guide you to a space where you can let your thoughts and ideas roam without any limitations and figure out what is right for you.”

  • Ksenia

    “I would love to thank Grace for a very special experience at the She Plants Seeds retreat. The enormous care that had been put even into the smallest of details, the warm, encouraging atmosphere, the delicious food, the lovely, heart-opening meditations - all of this has felt so very nurturing to me and my vision. I particularly loved the ritual of planting seeds - it felt powerful and life-affirming - I was left with a lot of trust that the flowers and fruits are to come, when the time is right. And trust is such an important asset when it comes to growing your heart-centred creation and offering it to the world…So I am deeply grateful ♥️”

  • Jolijn

    I felt so much more connection to myself and trust in what will come. The retreat was set up so beautifully, peaceful, as a safe space that connecting with the other amazing GALS came so naturally. We shared many many tears, laughs, hugs, food and a lot of love!

  • Stephanie

    For me the biggest lesson was to let go of control and opening up to others. Now I take more time for myself, I meditate much more before bedtime and sometimes I start the day. I've also accepted the fact that I'm an entrepreneur and therefore I will not have that much spare time (as in: doing nothing). I embrace my ideas and business creativity.

  • Review - the soulpreneurs collective

    Just thanking you for all the effort you put on this project. It was and is really valuable in helping me with by business and supporting me in my times of doubts, fears and happiness.

  • Review - the soulpreneurs collective

    Keep up the good work! <3 It's nice to have a place to connect, to meet new entrepeneurs, to learn and grow together.

  • Review - the soulpreneurs collective

    I really appreciated being part of the mastermind facilitated by Grace. I experienced the soulpreneurs as a very warm, supportive, welcoming community rooted in the values that I share.

    I particularly appreciated the guided mediation before the mastermind - it helped me ground and come into my centre. I also appreciated the focus on self-compassion and balance between strategic action and self-connection/self-reflection, it felt supportive.