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To describe Connections in the Sun in one word: Connected! I left this weekend with a heart full of love and trust. I felt so much more connection to myself and trust in what will come. The retreat was set up so beautifully, peaceful, as a safe space that connecting with the other amazing GALS came so naturally. We shared many many tears, laughs, hugs, food and a lot of love! A big thank you to Grace and Linea for being themselves, co-creating this and bringing us together.
Connections in the Sun weekend retreat
It nourished me because I took some time for myself, to focus on my business as an extension of myself. I am my biggest asset and if I am not ok, I won't be able to dedicate myself to my business. Nourishing my body, soul, and mind, also allows me to nourish my business. And for the networking, it's also a very important part of the business and this was something I really took home after this retreat.
She Plants Seeds retreat
Where to begin. I'm a 33 year old, mother of two girls 5 and 6 y/o and a business owner for over 3 years. I booked this retreat to learn more about doing business internationally. Although we didn't talk much about business, it still was what I needed. You can always take something out of it, wherever you are in the process. For me the biggest lesson was to let go of control and opening up to others. Now I take more time for myself, I meditate much more before bedtime and sometimes I start the day. I've also accepted the fact that I'm an entrepreneur and therefore I will not have that much spare time (as in: doing nothing). I embrace my ideas and business creativity. Grace and Linea were such a great team together. It was a very, very, well spend long weekend. Everything was organised so good, from the notes in the room to the food. A gift to myself.
Connections in the Sun weekend retreat
I would love to thank Grace for a very special experience at the She Plants Seeds retreat. The enormous care that had been put even into the smallest of details, the warm, encouraging atmosphere, the delicious food, the lovely, heart-opening meditations - all of this has felt so very nurturing to me and my vision. I particularly loved the ritual of planting seeds - it felt powerful and life-affirming - I was left with a lot of trust that the flowers and fruits are to come, when the time is right. And trust is such an important asset when it comes to growing your heart-centred creation and offering it to the world…So I am deeply grateful ♥️
She Plants Seeds retreat

About Grace
I developed a passion for spreading consciousness and connecting adventurous ‘heart-leading’ entrepreneurs with my business The Lucky Project and as co-founder of the female entrepreneur network the soulpreneurs collective.
After years in the corporate world, a burn-out re-directed me back to my adventurous, intuitive self. Since I moved to Ericeira 2,5 years ago, I have been further building and creating a conscious business and life(style).
With that energy I am bringing women together, inspiring them to step away from any form of (self)judgement, ground into themselves and trust their intuitive wisdom to make decisions that support a free and mind/soul nurturing life. On my instagram I share about my life(style), dreams and challenges: my own ‘lucky (life) project’.