Be a beginner
• In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few • [Shunryo Suzuki]
I first heard about this quote during one of the coaching trainings I followed of ChiFactum Institute and it is something that has helped me every since to be more curious, to learn, to wonder and to be less serious.
The beginner’s mind is a concept in Zen Buddhism, known as ‘shoshin’. The idea of shoshin is to have an empty and open mind, to let go of preconceptions and to have an open attitude towards something. Just like a kid discovering and exploring something for the first time.
By stepping away from the expert’s mind (who already has knowledge and an opinion on something) and stepping into the beginner’s mind, you can practice to learn from new perspectives, widen your view and discover many new insights. On top of that, it enables you to become more flexible, curious, grateful and present!
How about starting your days with a beginner’s mind?
~ let go of the need to add value or to contribute: step back, observe, listen and learn
~ let go of the urge to win every argument, to prove a point or to correct someone. Instead try: ‘isn’t it interesting, that he/she is having a completely different view or opinion’
~ become curious: ‘tell me more about that’, 'what are your thoughts'
~ imagine being a newcomer, whatever the topic or subject, see yourself as a kid hearing something for the first time
Are you in? 🤩
Open your arms, spread your wings and welcome the many possibilities and all the new things you will learn, hear, smell, feel & experience.
Be a beginner:
I see you.
With love,
Grace Lucky